Saturday, December 18, 2010

How to make word ‘FACE’ in facebook application / fan page.

Facebook have been rule for name in application and facebook page,for this case is sensitive word like ‘FACE’ or ‘FACEBOOK’.You can’t give your name application / fan page with word ‘FACE’ because it’s word prohibited in facebook.,if you try give your application or facebook page with word ‘FACE’ system on facebook automatic will be deny or rejected .

But with a little trick, you can give your name application or fan page with word ‘FACE’.Here is the way:
1. Go to development and create / edit applications :
for fan page: 2.
Green paper copy below:
Remember the green paper in the copy rather than the type
3. After that save and check…!
NB:Becarefuull from blockir,because these trick can make your page bloked/delete by facebook team.

For example :!/pages/3-Wono-Di-Fasebook/122988881099239

I hope this tips facebook / tricks will be success ,have a nice day….!